Tuesday, June 27, 2017

47 Transcendental Quotes from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was a spiritual guru who developed the famous Transcendental Meditation technique. His organization grew very quickly and was transformed into a powerful spiritual movement. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was a disciple of Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, the Shankaracharya of Jyotirmath in the Himalayas. In the 60s and 70s, Maharishi became famous as the guru to The Beatles. He was reported to have trained more than 40,000 teachers of transcendental meditation. These, in turn, have taught his technique to more than five million people around the world.

Here are some of its quotes about Transcendental Meditation and related subjects:

Transcendental Meditation opens the awareness to the infinite reservoir of energy, creativity, and intelligence that lies deep within everyone.
By enlivening this most basic level of life, Transcendental Meditation is that one simple procedure which can raise the life of every individual and every society to its full dignity, in which problems are absent and perfect health, happiness, and a rapid pace of progress are the natural features of life.
A loving heart, a heart full of love, is the precious essence of human life.
The fortunate one uses the instrument of meditation and probes deep into his heart. Then the waves of love gain the depth of the ocean, and the ocean of love flows and fills the heart and thrills every particle of being. Every wave of life then flows in the fullness of love, in the fullness of divine glory, in the fullness of grace, in bliss and peace.
Meditation is the straight flight of the mind to the Kingdom of Heaven present in the heart of everyone.
If we are able to meet these two requirements – regularity in meditation and leading a good life in society, day-to-day a good life – then nothing would be unattainable by us.
Life finds its purpose and fulfillment in the expansion of happiness
The important thing is this: to be able, at any moment, to sacrifice what we are for what we could become.
Fulfilment is structured in achievement, Achievement is structured in action, Action is structured in thinking, Thinking is structured in knowledge, Knowledge is structured in consciousness.
A comfortable and regulated life is needed for fastest pace of evolution.
It is the purity of man’s heart and mind, and his innocent and faithful approach to action with the purpose of all good to everyone, which really succeeds in yielding maximum results with minimum effort
Whatever we put our attention on, will grow stronger in our life.
If we think of defeat, that is what we will get. If we are undecided, nothing will happen to us. We must just pick something great to do and do it. Never do we think of failure at all, for as we think now, that is what we will get.
The golden gate to peace in life is the experience of bliss, and it is easy for everyone to acquire this great glory and live it throughout life.
You are the master of all the laws of nature if you know the transcendental field.
Responsibility can never be given. It can only be taken.
The secret of success is conviction and persistence.
What makes one luckier is the good that he has done to others. It comes back to him. A man doesn’t become lucky by doing wrong. He becomes lucky because he has done good to others and that good comes back to him. And now he is lucky.
No action can be performed successfully without a clear result in view.
Don’t go for what you know you can get. Go for what you really want.
What we have been saying from the beginning of the movement has been unbelievable but it has come to be believed. We have been impossible right from the beginning and we must continue to be impossible because we are raising a voice against suffering which has been considered to be the nature of life. It is our joy to be considered impossible – and it is our greater joy to make the impossible a living reality.
The secret of success in business is creativity. The urgent need in business today is to develop the field of creativity that lies deep within each individual. Through Transcendental Meditation the awareness of the individual comes into contact with this field of unlimited creativity, pure consciousness, the Constitution of the Universe.
Do not base your life on the likings and dislikings or whims of others. What you are in life – whether you enjoy or suffer – it is your own responsibility. Be regular in your meditation and do not postpone for a later date your striving for God consciousness.
Love opens all doors, no matter how closed they may be, no matter how rusty from lack of use. Your work is to bring unity and harmony, to open all doors which have been closed for a long time. Have patience and tolerance. Open your heart all the time.
Transcendental meditation is something that can be defined as a means to do what one wants to do in a better way, a right way, for maximum results.
The goal of the Transcendental Meditation technique is the state of enlightenment. This means we experience that inner calmness, that quiet state of least excitation, even when we are dynamically busy.
If world peace is to be established, peace in the individual must be established first. Transcendental Meditation directly brings peace in the individual life.
Just think of any negativity that comes to you as a raindrop falling into the ocean of your bliss. You may not always have an ocean of bliss, but think that way anyway and it will help it come. Doubting is not blissful and does not create happiness.
The practice of Transcendental Meditation creates a natural situation in the mind so that the mind entertains right thoughts, useful thoughts, thoughts that are cherished by nature and whose fulfillment is worked out by all the laws of nature.
Modern psychology has pointed to the need of educating people to use a much larger portion of the mind. Transcendental meditation fulfills this need. And it can be taught very easily.
Through Transcendental Meditation, the human brain can experience that level of intelligence which is an ocean of all knowledge, energy, intelligence, and bliss.
There is nothing in life to take seriously except the joy of life.
We are born only to bless, not to punish. This you should never forget. We should always see good things in others – very important. We are not in a position to criticize anyone. The existence of enemies means for us that our friendliness has not been sufficient enough. ‘God helps those who help themselves.’ – it’s a very true saying. We are aware of darkness but for our own community we want to have Enlightenment.
Attend to your own inner-health and happiness.
When you are appreciating creation as much as the Creator, then the Creator will ask, ‘Who is appreciating my creation as much as me. Let me see this person.’
Nine rules of life: Don’t analyze. Don’t complain. Don’t compare yourself to others. Don’t expect things to be done for you. Don’t expect perfection in the relative. Look to the knowledge aspect daily. Own the movement. Problems are all in your head. Hold yourself together.
So transcendental meditation brings about transcendental consciousness, which is self-referral consciousness, the source of all intelligence.
If we are all strong, stable, we can set our sail with any wind in the world that comes along. We make up our own direction. If we are not strong, we are like a leaf in the wind and the world’s winds will take us where they wish, not where WE wish. So we meditate, every day, regularly, and gain transcendental being in our everyday life and then we are strong. When we are all infused with Being, we need not think which course is right, we just take the one that is automatically. Being is the wind-resister and the sail-setter.
Enjoy your life and be happy. Being happy is of the utmost importance. Success in anything is through happiness. More support of nature comes from being happy.
Under all circumstances be happy, even if you have to force it a bit to change some long standing habits.
Happiness radiates like the fragrance from a flower, and draws all good things toward you. Allow your love to nourish yourself as well as others. Do not strain after the needs of life. It is sufficient to be quietly alert and aware of them. In this way life proceeds more naturally and effortlessly. Life is here to Enjoy!
Meditation is the most effective form of relaxation. It not only relaxes the body and mind but also feeds them with vital energy, peace and happiness.
Meditation is the sharp tool to dig out the great treasure hidden within everybody’s inner personality.
In meditation we research the field without time and space and activity, and yet produce a useful effect while conducting the research.
Just as a mountain of snow is nothing but water, so also the whole of the universe is nothing but ananda (bliss).
Meditate and enjoy.

Source:  https://web.facebook.com/gonga.nath/posts/10212799278687436

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