Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Hello there, how are you all? I hope all of you are in perfect condition. The topic of our discussion today is titled "The Power of food theraphy". The quote "You Are What You Eat" can be accepted to certain extent, this is because we are consuming food all the time and surely l think this has big effect on us. Many diseases can be cured by a change to a healthy diet. Diseases like headaches, arthritis, asthma, back pain, rheumatism, food poisoning, indigestion, bladder problems, constipation, fatigue, insomnia and colds, just to name a few which can cause unnecessary sufferings, can be prevented if one eat`s with care.

The Simple Action

The simple action that we can to do to keep ourselves superbly healthy is to avoid unhealthy foods & take only those healthy foods. Take a lot of fresh and organic based foods, avoid processed foods, alcoholic drinks etc. This can give steady supply of vitamins, minerals & antioxidants. Antioxidants especially the 5 Network antioxidant: Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Alpha Lipoic acid, Glutathione & Co-Enzym Q10 are very much needed because they fight off free radicals. Besides that, take some vitamin/mineral supplementary if you`re not getting enough vitamins from daily food intake. Deficiency in it can really invite sickness, for example lack of certain Vitamin B can cause worry, anxiety & stress; lack of iron can invite anaemia anddeficiency in Calsium can bring bone related illness i.e. osteoarthritis & arthritis.

Genuine Facts 1

Here, l would like to give genuine facts that demontrates "The Power of food theraphy". In addition to good set of genes, the long and healthy lives of Okinawa, Japan people are due to taking locally grown vegetables, consuming huge quantities of tofu & seaweed. Their diet also lean in calories, low in sugar & fat and devoid of processed or canned food.

Genuine facts 2

A similar dietary system is found in the lives of Abkhazians in Central Russia, The Vilcabambans in Equador & Hunzans in Pakistans. Their diet is low in calories, low in fat (devoid of animal fats), no processed foods, sugar, preservatives, artificial flavours or other chemicals. They eat fresh foods which come from natural sources i.e. whole grains, vegetables and fruits.

Golden Rules

Besides the above facts on'The Power of food theraphy", here are few Golden rules that one can follow to stay healthy *Keep your mind healthy & young by taking a lot of fish, by playing ping pong and by exercising your mind with mental & problem solving activities like sudoko & word puzzle. *Consume good nutrition, prevent toxins & avoid stress during pregnancy.


I hope, my explanation and discussion about "The Power of food theraphy" have open up your minds to give importance on food and nutrition. That`s all for now untill we meet again. Thank you.

All the best,

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Copyright 2009 by S.Karunagaran. All rights reserved.

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